Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wierdest day of trip

Today is supposed to be the day I arrive at Würzburg. It is supposed to be the day I start my elective. Today is supposed to be 1st of June.
But today is the 31th of May, a day that I had perceived to be nonexistent until I'm on the train going to Würzburg.
The guy who checked my ticket pointed out that I had written a wrong date. I'm supposed to write 31/5 instead of 1/6. I argued with him for a while until I realised I was wrong. This means that I'm going to arrive Germany a day ahead of schedule, and nobody is going to pick me up at the train station today. They will only pick me up tomorrow.
I'm left with a sudden 'extra' day, with nowhere to go, no place to stay, and no plans at all.
I studied my lonely planet right on the train and decided to go to Frankfurt.

Okie. So far so good. Although I messed up my calender, I arrived at Frankfurt, and got a dorm bed in the hostle right across the train station. This is a hell lot of luck in this World Cup season, when everything is so fully booked.

The number 2 weird thing. I bumped into a University student protest on the plaza right in front of the train station. They are a group of uni students protesting against tuition fee payment changed. All Uni students in Germany is currently having free uni education. They don't have to pay a penny. Now the Government is trying to impose a loan system, meaning that students have to pay their own tuition fee. However, no detailed structure of the loan system is established (e.g. the interest rate of the loan is suggested to be 7.5%!!) and it sounded all like students from poor families are going to be in huge debts when they finish uni while those in rich families are going to be debt free (Well, isn't it the same in HK?). Anyway I was simply having so much free time I joined them. I talked to some of the students on the way, and experienced their way of protesting. For some reason they liked marching on the big car roads IN BETWEEN RUNNING CARS. It all looked a bit dangerous to me, but they do succeed in transmitting their message to the public; well, at least to the drivers that passed by.
I tried to discuss with them the grant-loan system in Hong Kong, and some of them seems to agree with our system. Anyways, good luck to them.

The number 3 thing. This is not weird, it is a very very nice thing. I went to a Chinese restaurant to have dinner tonight -- and I bumped into a restaurant ran by Hong Kong people!! I had a full dish of Yeung Zhou Chau Fan and Lai Tong (the regular soup), and read the European version of ShingTao Daily!! This is simply luxury when you have had bread bread bread and bread as your sole food (well, nearly. Coz this is cheap) for 10 days consecutively...

Anyways I'am going to Würzburg tomorrow at noon time. I've forgotten all my Surgery... good luck to me!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

8th day of trip

Trip ending. Elective approaching. I've forgotten everything in Surgery. Poor me!!
Had my best day of trip in Innsbruke. I've had my first Kebab (forgive my ignorance, I did have it 22 y/o in Austria), and have so much fun with the restaurant owner, who let me into the kitchen. He speaks German only, I speak English only, but we had so much fun!!
During my stay in the Youth hostel that night, I've met:
A Japanese guy who is hitch-hiking his way thru Europe, South america, Africa and North America, a journey lasting 1.5-2 years. (Hitch-hiking means you try to signal some driver on the highway and ask for a lift.)
An Australian girl who is doing a 7 months solo journey in Europe. I can smell the strong and decisiveness in her speech. She is a fresh graduate from film directing, and has such strong opinions on life and the society and stuff.
A girl from Brazil. We had another night's stay together in Salzburg. She may come to me again for a good night's sleep in my apartment during the World Cup in Germany. She is hoping for the Brazil vs Australia (if i remember correctly) on 18th of June in Munich.
A Hong Kong guy, who has graduated from HKU E&F for around 1 year, now employed as a management trainee in some big company. He took a 2 weeks off, which is maximum for him in this company, to tour around Europe and have a break.

And on my way to Innsbruke...
I met this Austrian guy in his early thirties. He is an international business degree holder, worked in a Regional company for 3 consecutive years without a break, and felt himself "shrunk" (that's my word, but he takes it). This is his first holiday, and he went on a hike on the Southern part of France, following a route documented a century ago (I regretted not to copy down the name and author of that book... I really wanted to read it). So he had this 14 day hike in the largely underdeveloped region of France. We talked a lot more on the train ride, this guy was simply amazing.

Still more people I've met back in Switzerland. Not all of them are inspiring, though. And I found Hong Kongers amongst the most boring and uninteresting group of tourists, assuming there exists different kinds of tourists. Mainlanders not in a touring group tend to be fast tourers, they aim to visit all the main tourist attractions in all major cities within the shortest time. Are them aiming to know the place or to tell their friends that they have arrived in some famous city? Ai.....

If time allows, there is still lots more to write. But time is money in this costly little internet cafe, so I'd rather stop writing. Ciao!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

4th day of trip

I'm now in Interlaken, Switzerland. This is a place where you can simply rise your head and gain a good view of the Jungfrau and the rest of the Alps. Stunned by the regularity and the stability of the German-speaking population. You can always predict what will happen at what time of which day... there are not many surprises. However, this sense of regularity gives you tramendous sense of security, that a solo traveller like me is in desperate need of. [I wish to press enter at this place but I can't... anyway.] Going to have a boat ride at Thunsee this morning followed by city tour at Bern, the capital city of Switzerland. Thunsee is a lake near Interlaken, it's main water source from the ice-caps of the Alps. Bern is an old town with lots of fountains which each of them has their own historical meaning. I'm looking forward to today's tour. [Enter]. Anyways... I must admit solo travelling is sometimes boring and a bit lonely. A person nearby you helps you to explore the place more thoroughly. However, you get a lot of freedom doing solos. Again, the good and the bad sides... you can't be picky here.[Enter]. I miss Hong Kong and all of you. Hugs to everyone!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006



20-25/5 Switzerland
AM: Flight landing at Zurich
PM: Train Zurich - Lucern
Sleep: Lucern

AM: Lucern
PM: Interlaken
Sleep: Interlaken

AM&PM:Golden pass, Chateau de Chillon, lake Geneva area, Lausanne
Sleep: Interlaken

Sleep: Interlaken

AM: Lake Thun
PM: Travel uphill to Gimmelwald
Sleep: Gimmelwald

AM&PM: Jungfrau region, elevator and hike
Sleep: Gimmelwald

26-30/5 Austria
AM: Train from Gimmelwald to Innsbruck
PM: Innsbruck
Sleep: Innsbruck

AM&PM: Hall
Evening: Travel to Salzburg
Sleep: Salzburg

28/5 (Sun)
AM: Church
PM: Opera, City tour
Sleep: Salzburg

AM: Travel to Vienna
PM: Kunsthistorisches Museum
Sleep: Vienna

AM&PM: City tour
Sleep: Vienna

1-30/6 Germany
AM&PM: Train Vienna - Wurzburg
Sleep: Wurzburg

1-30/6 weekdays
AM&PM: Elective: general surgery at University of Wurzburg
Sleep: Wurzburg

1-30/6 weekends
Route undecided, may cover Romantic road, Rhine river to Koln, Munich, exact details to be confirmed upon arrival to Wurzburg.

Flight to Hong Kong

Friday, May 12, 2006






現狀,是好工不易找,是要還grant loan,是要供養父母,是要儲錢結婚,說白了,是要滿足Maslow triangle最底層最根本的需要,是要吃喝拉撒睡。


   有次我媽媽帶我去食家鄉雞噃。d雞一打開,你知我啦,手套都唔帶 就去o那雞喎,咁我媽媽就話我啦,你個死仔,手套都唔帶就去o那雞?一陣間o那o那下雞,就話依度痕、果度痕,又用隻o那雞手依度抓、果度抓,抓完抓夠 啦,又走去o那雞。好啦,食食下雞,又話急小便,隻手o那完雞又去o那個本質,o那完個本質又o那雞,第二日,就死死樣咁同我講,「媽媽,我個本質起粒粒 呀!」,咁梗係起粒粒啦,你個死仔,o那完雞唔洗手就去o那本質,同你查藥膏又流哂馬尿噃,「呀...我個本質好那呀!」死唔抵可憐呀你個本質!
麥兜:吓?唔係本質咩?我係得呢個 ja噃。

* * *

他自己去看了Match Point。之後,堅持要和我去戲院再看一次。


* * *





Friday, May 05, 2006


每次看見這些,我都會掏荷包捐款;我並不是特別有公益心, 也不特別期望抽中獎品,只是每次看見他們,心中總有一種歉疚感。
