Sunday, May 28, 2006

8th day of trip

Trip ending. Elective approaching. I've forgotten everything in Surgery. Poor me!!
Had my best day of trip in Innsbruke. I've had my first Kebab (forgive my ignorance, I did have it 22 y/o in Austria), and have so much fun with the restaurant owner, who let me into the kitchen. He speaks German only, I speak English only, but we had so much fun!!
During my stay in the Youth hostel that night, I've met:
A Japanese guy who is hitch-hiking his way thru Europe, South america, Africa and North America, a journey lasting 1.5-2 years. (Hitch-hiking means you try to signal some driver on the highway and ask for a lift.)
An Australian girl who is doing a 7 months solo journey in Europe. I can smell the strong and decisiveness in her speech. She is a fresh graduate from film directing, and has such strong opinions on life and the society and stuff.
A girl from Brazil. We had another night's stay together in Salzburg. She may come to me again for a good night's sleep in my apartment during the World Cup in Germany. She is hoping for the Brazil vs Australia (if i remember correctly) on 18th of June in Munich.
A Hong Kong guy, who has graduated from HKU E&F for around 1 year, now employed as a management trainee in some big company. He took a 2 weeks off, which is maximum for him in this company, to tour around Europe and have a break.

And on my way to Innsbruke...
I met this Austrian guy in his early thirties. He is an international business degree holder, worked in a Regional company for 3 consecutive years without a break, and felt himself "shrunk" (that's my word, but he takes it). This is his first holiday, and he went on a hike on the Southern part of France, following a route documented a century ago (I regretted not to copy down the name and author of that book... I really wanted to read it). So he had this 14 day hike in the largely underdeveloped region of France. We talked a lot more on the train ride, this guy was simply amazing.

Still more people I've met back in Switzerland. Not all of them are inspiring, though. And I found Hong Kongers amongst the most boring and uninteresting group of tourists, assuming there exists different kinds of tourists. Mainlanders not in a touring group tend to be fast tourers, they aim to visit all the main tourist attractions in all major cities within the shortest time. Are them aiming to know the place or to tell their friends that they have arrived in some famous city? Ai.....

If time allows, there is still lots more to write. But time is money in this costly little internet cafe, so I'd rather stop writing. Ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only Italian I
Looking forawrd to a nice chat with you when you're back..
enjoy your trip~

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are them aiming to know the place or to tell their friends that they have arrived in some famous city?". I do think so. This is a matter of taste. That's why chinese are always looked down by japanese and westerners.

2:10 AM  

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