Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Religious diagnosis

摘自 妙齡‧Me 4/4/2006的entry

今晚的House (《醫神》), 說到聖誕前夕Dr. House 收了一個修女病人.

'I'm glad that you didn't make a religious diagnosis' said one of the nun.

'Religious diagnosis'. yes. we do make a lot of these. doctors make medical diagnosis. believers make religious diagnosis. how can we differentiate what they're based on? knowledge? faith? experience? or... just 'belief'?

still thinking about what Dr. House said.

Yes, me too, still thinking about what you quoted from Dr. House.

I have no intention to dwell into complicated politics. If we put down the religious googles, Brokeback Moutain is a movie which tells deeply the souls and the struggles of love. It is NOT about being homo or hetero. There is no struggles about "is this a sin" and "if we should boycott this movie". Just put down the googles for a moment, be more humane, and try to understand human souls.

Jesus understands human nature deeply and empathetically. It's ironical that the followers of Jesus never do.



「當 我們的「是」仍 然是充滿憐憫時,即是說仍然是以人為中心時,我們這時代的複雜問題便不會將我們拖進絕望之中,我們的心也會燃起愛的烈火。我們不能愛一 些問題,但我們可以愛人。而對人的愛向我們顯明處理問題的方法。富憐憫之心的抵抗者永遠都直接看著真實的人的眼睛,不自己以人類的天然傾向過早地分析「真 正的問題」。」—106



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